Seeing this quote made me feel kinda like a "poser". While I am certainly familiar with the towering intellectual and philosophical legacy Mr. Huxley left behind, I've yet to fully digest the majority of his life's written work. I've come to know him mainly through a series of "social media ready" quotes, but trust, there is much more to the mind of the man behind those omnipresent succinct quips. One particular description of a young Aldous felt as though it could have been just as easily ascribed to me: he is someone who "frequently contemplated the strangeness of things."
I know I'm not the only one who looks around at our society in today's world and is similarly compelled to contemplate it's strangeness. So, although there is much more to uncover for me regarding the life and times of Mr. Huxley, something tells me his train of thought would have gotten me to the same station I was heading to anyway. Chestology salutes you, Aldous Huxley, and everyone else who chooses to consider things on a deeper level.