Conversations — quotes

Fron The Chest: Ascolta il Petto...

Fron The Chest: Ascolta il Petto...

Ascolta... This is a twist on a quote I've often seen floating around the Internet, with no name attributed to it (so I can't "credit" whoever said the original version of this, unfortunately). "Ascolta il Petto"- translated from Italian- means simply, "Listen to the Chest". When tuned in, we often find answers, truths, and guidance simply by being present and totally aware. Can it be all so simple? Yes, if we allow it to be. #chestology #ascoltailpetto #truth #quotes

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From The Chest: Good character is not...

From The Chest: Good character is not...

When you really think about it, it's just like anything else.... "Rome wasn't built in a day", etc. No matter what we picture as the definition of "success", it's all the "small" choices we make in our daily operations that come together to eventually form "the bigger picture". Habits, choices, and intentions go a long way in shaping what that picture will look like for us. Consistency is an intangible commodity. #chestology #quotes #success #consistency

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From The Chest: It is better to be a...

From The Chest: It is better to be a...

Stay dangerous, my friends... #chestology #wisdom #quotes

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From The Chest: The Universe reveals its secrets to...

From The Chest: The Universe reveals its secrets to...

It's that simple... #chestology #ascoltailpetto

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